The county is currently accepting applications for the following boards and committees. For a full description, click on the name link for any board or committee below.
Candidates for Boards and Committees are encouraged to apply if they meet the general qualifications.
Adjustment and Appeals Board
Purpose: The purpose of the Adjustment and Appeals Board is to hear requests for code interpretation and cases for unsafe building abatement codes. The Adjustment and Appeals Board primary responsibility is to hear and decide appeals of orders, decision or determinations made by the building official relative to the application and interpretation of the Building Code.
General Qualifications: Seeking members with knowledge and/or experience in technical codes fields and those from the general public. Must be a registered voter in St. Johns County. Regular members as well as alternatives serve a term of two years. Members must file financial disclosure.
Architectural Review Committee
Purpose: The purpose of the Architectural Review Committee is to ensure enhanced property development while maintaining and encouraging quality character of design within the Ponte Vedra and Ponte Vedra/Palm Valley Overlay Districts in line with the goals and objectives of the St. Johns County Comprehensive Plan.
General Qualifications: Seeking applicants who are a registered architect in the State of Florida or a retired architect formerly registered in the State of Florida and reside within the Ponte Vedra Zoning District or within District 4, but outside of the Ponte Vedra Zoning District. Regular members as well as alternates serve a term of four (4) years.District:
Cultural Resource Review Board
Purpose: The purpose of the Cultural Resource Review Board is to advise the Board of County Commissioners regarding cultural, architectural, archaeological and historical resources of St. Johns County; and to identify, evaluate, document, and designate these resources. The primary responsibility of the Cultural Resource Review Board is to protect these resources that are important community assets which enrich the lives of citizens and visitors.
General Qualifications: Appointees shall be qualified through the demonstration of special interest, experience or education in the preservation of Cultural Resources.
Members shall, when possible, have practical and professional experience in one or more of the following fields: archaeology, architecture or architectural history, curation or conservation, planning, professional engineering, real estate, history, historic preservation, or related disciplines.District:
Mid-Anastasia Island Design Review Board
Purpose: The purpose of the Mid Anastasia Design Review Board is to protect natural resources, maintain and enhance the diverse and unique character of the Mid-Anastasia Overlay District and achieve specific goals and objective of the St. Johns County Comprehensive Plan. The Design Review Board's (DRB) primary responsibility is to determine compliance with Part 3.08.00 Mid-Anastasia Overlay District of the St. Johns County Land Development Code, Ordinance 99-51, as amended.
General Qualifications: Appointees to the Design Review Board shall be qualified through the demonstration of special interest, experience, or education in design, architecture or history of the Mid-Anastasia community. Members shall reside within the Mid-Anastasia Overlay District.District:
North Coastal Design Review Board
Purpose: The purpose of the North Coastal Design Review Board is to maintain, protect and enhance the diverse and unique character of the North Coastal Corridor and its established beach community, respect the well-documented history of the area and achieve specific goals and objective of the St. Johns County Comprehensive Plan.
The Design Review Board's (ORB) primary responsibility is to determine compliance with Part 3.09.00 North Coastal Overlay District and Part 3.10.00 Vilano Beach Town Center Overl
General Qualifications: Appointees to the Design Review Board shall be qualified through the demonstration of special interest, experience, or education in design, architecture or history of the North Coastal Overlay community of the area encompassing the North Coastal Corridor Overlay District. At least one member will be required to be a registered architect, unless, there are no applicants are received with these qualifications after a reasonable search and at least one member will be required to have expertise in historic preservation and/or the architectural history of Florida, unless there are no applicants with these qualifications after a reasonable search is done. At least one member will own an active business within the District, and at least 2 members must live in or within one mile of the North Coastal District.District: 5
NW Comm Tower Advisory Board
Purpose: The purpose of the Northwest Communication Tower Advisory Board is to Review proposals for expenditure of income derived from the lease of Mills Field property.
General Qualifications: Members must be composed of representatives residing in that portion of St. Johns County bounded on the east by the westerly right-of-way of I-95; bounded on the south by the northerly right-of-way of CR 210 (from I-95 to Greenbrier Road), and by the northerly right-of-way of Greenbrier Road and its westerly extension (to the westerly boundary of St. Johns County); bounded on the west and north by the County line. The Board’s five members must represent each of the following areas: A District 1 representative; the District 1 Recreation Advisory Board member; a person with demonstrated interest in passive recreation (i.e. a member of a Garden Club of environmental group); an athletic association representative and a civic association representative.District: 1
Ponte Vedra Zoning and Adjustment Board
Purpose: Regulate and restrict the height and size of buildings; to regulate and restrict the intensity of land use; to regulate the area of yards, courts and other space about buildings, to classify, regulate and restrict the location of commerce and industries and the location of buildings designed for specified industrial, commercial, residential and other uses within the Ponte Vedra Zoning District.
General Qualifications: Must be a register voter in St Johns County and reside in the Ponte Vedra Zoning District. Members must file financial disclosure.District: 4
South Anastasia Design Review
Purpose: The purpose of the South Anastasia Design Review Board is to protect and preserve the "Old Florida" style, rural beach community in the South Anastasia Overlay District and achieve specific goals and objective of the St. Johns County Comprehensive Plan. The Design Review Board's (DRB) primary responsibility is to determine compliance with Part 3.07.00 South Anastasia Overlay of the St. Johns County Land Development Code, Ordinance 99-51, as amended.
General Qualifications: Applicants serving as Alternate members will have voting privileges only in the absence of one or more regular members. Applicants must reside within the South Anastasia Overlay District. Members serve a term of four (4) years.District:
West Augustine CRA Nuisance Abatement Board
Purpose: The purpose of the West Augustine Nuisance Abatement Board is to promote, protect, and improve the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens, businesses and property owner within the West Augustine CRA. The West Augustine Nuisance Abatement Boards primary responsibility is to impose administrative fines and other noncriminal penalties in order to provide an equitable, expeditious, and effective, and inexpensive method of enforcing County Ordinance 2014-29, within the CRA when a pending or rep
General Qualifications: Applicant must be a County resident for at least one year, 18 years or older, residing within or operating a business within the West Augustine CRA. Members serve a term of two (2) years.District: