SJC St. Johns County
Board of County Commissioners
Board And Committee Applications
Board And Committee Application

Board/Committee Name:   Industrial Development Authority

Purpose:   The Industrial Development Authority is a public body created to finance and refinance projects for the public purposes described in the Florida Industrial Development Financing Act to foster economic development in St. Johns County. The Industrial Development Authority shall study the advantages, facilities, resources, products, attractions and conditions concerning the county with relation to the encouragement of economic development in the county.

General Qualifications:   Applicants must be a resident of St. Johns County, preferably from County Commission Districts 2, 3 or 4. Must be a registered voter in St. Johns County. Members must file financial disclosure. Members serve a term of four (4) years.

Meeting Schedule:   This Authority meets as needed on the 2nd Monday of every month from 3-5pm in the San Sebastian Conference Room, 500 San Sebastian View.

Roster Info:   This five (5) member Authority of district representatives meets as needed from 3-5 p.m. the 2nd Monday of every month in the County Administration Building’s San Sebastian Conference Room, 500 San Sebastian View. This Authority was created to encourage industry and other endeavors authorized by Florida Statutes to locate and flourish in St. Johns County. The Authority may issue Tax Exempt Bonds to assist in creating capital for new industry moving into St. Johns County. Established by Section 159.45, Florida Statutes. Each member is required to file Financial Disclosure with the Supervisor of Elections.

Max Members   5

BCC Staff Support     Phone
Samuel Camp904-209-3257

Term Length:   4

Current Vacancies:  No Current Vacancies

Future Vacancies:  No Future Vacancies