Project Location: Race Track Road Durbin Creek Bridge to W. Peyton Parkway
Project Description:
The Race Track Road improvements consist of roadway widening, associated signage and pavement markings, and replacement of the slabs on the Durbin Creek bridge (eastbound only). Other work includes milling and resurfacing of pavement, earthwork, curbing, sidewalks, and lighting at the intersection with Bartram Park Boulevard. Paving operations will start west of the bridge, and the roadway between the bridge and W. Peyton Parkway.
Approximate Date of Commencement/Completion: the paving operations will only be conducted at night starting Sunday, March 23, 2025, from approximately 8:00pm to no later than 6:00am each night. The work is expected to be completed within one week. During these nighttime-only activities, the previously established detour (attached) will again be utilized only for eastbound traffic on Race Track Road. For traffic on westbound Race Track Road, drivers can expect varying lane restrictions.
Project Duration: Seven days or less, nighttime only from approximately 8:00pm – 6:00am. Under some circumstances, nighttime, extended or weekend hours may be necessary. Start date and hours subject to change due to weather or other unforeseen conditions.