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Clearance Sheet R2013-003145

 Department IssuesSigned OffIntl

1.  Locations, extent, and details of revisions are not clear.
    Please provide all pages and details where a revised item
    or area was shown in the original plans.
See below for specific items, regarding the EOR letter dated March 12, 2014. 


2.  Please provide:
Item 1. Details for the revised connection.  This is a critical connection on a structure in a high wind and flood zone.  Please show how the revised connection resists gravity, uplift, and lateral loads. 
Item 2. Details for the revised connection.  This is a critical connection on a structure in a high wind and flood zone.  Please show how the revised connection resists gravity, uplift, and lateral loads.
Item 3. Please provide all drawings where the revised wall occurs and provide the revised shear wall calculations that were used for the new design. 
Item 4. Please clarify if there is a new design at this location, or if the revised detail more clearly shows the actual original situation.
Item 5. Please indicate which plan review comments were addressed.  Please note that the Hold Inspection 106 for deck beams and joist calculations is still in effect.
Item 6. Please provide all Quick Tie general and specific details.


3. A "Pile Installation Log" was submitted, but did not include the Pile Inspection Report.  Please provide the Pile Inspection Report including a statement that the third-party inspector was on site for the entire installation process and site conditions.
Please clarify "Jet, Drill, Jet, Hammer" procedure, specify equipment used, final blow count or method used to determine final resistance, and date of each pile installation.