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Clearance Sheet R2013-003145

 Department IssuesSigned OffIntl

1.  General notes.
This project is:
-in the FEMA VE-14 Flood Zone
-seaward of the CCCL
   DEP wave crest = 16.5 ft. (NGVD)
   DEP design grade = 5.2 ft. (NGVD)
-in the wind-borne debris region
-in wind exposure category D

Metal roof requires a separate permit.
Unvented attic with spray foam insulation, including raised floor.


2.  This location is in Wind Exposure Category D, but engineering and truss engineering use Exposure C.  Please review.

Engineering, truss engineering, and product approval were not fully reviewed.  Please submit truss engineering signed off by EOR and verify products with Exposure D wind loads, including shingle siding in end zones.


3.  Parcel ID Numbers do not match between Application and Clearance Sheet.  Please clarify. 


4.  Please verify wood piles for this project and provide the geotech report confirming that wood piles will reach the intended depth and resist all wind and water loads.


5.  Pile foundation Affidavit.
Please find the attached Affidavit to acknowledge the requirement for a pile installation report.  Please complete the Affidavit and include it with the resubmittal package.


6.  Nonconversion Agreement.
Please find the attached Agreement to acknowledge that the ground floor of this structure is garage, access, and storage space only and cannot be converted or used as living space.  Please complete and sign the Agreement and include it with the resubmittal package.


7.  Piling Inspection Proposal/Report:

Please provide a proposal from the engineer of record or an approved testing agency for the installation inspection of each piling. The final report is to include a foundation plans showing the location of each pile, site conditions, date, time, grout slump, concrete break, total number of installed piles, total length of installed piles, piles installed in accordance with drawings and specifications, blow count if wood, exceptions to pile placements (as built), and description of installation equipment and procedure for installation.



8.  Please provide all pages of the DEP Approved set of plans for review.  The DEP Approved set of plans will be returned to the builder with the Job Copy.


9.  Pile spacing to pile diameter ratio for all piles should not be less than 8:1, per FBC, Section 3109.4, unless designed to resist the additional loads from flood waters and trapped debris.  Please review the pile layout and spacings that are less than 8 ft. clear and verify that the design will resist the above loads with a note on foundation plan.


10.  The requirements of FEMA and Florida DEP for coastal conditions are similar but slightly different and different agencies use a combination of vertical datum (NGVD and NAVD) in managing the requirements. 

Please add the following to the Design Criteria:

  -FEMA Flood Zone and Base Flood Elevation (BFE).  Please include
   the 1-foot "Freeboard" added by SJC. As an example: the VE-13,
   found on the FEMA FIRM Map will be VE-14 in SJC.
  -The DEP Monument Number used to determine the 100-Year Wave 
   Crest Height and Storm Design Grade.
  -100-Year Wave Crest Elevation.
  -100-Year Storm Design Grade Elevation. 
  -Bottom of piling elevation.
  -Bottom of lowest horizontal structural member elevation.
  -Either list both NGVD and NAVD elevations for all locations
   or provide a conversion factor from NGVD to NAVD.  (Some
   elevation requirements are given in NGVD, but designs are 
   required in NAVD.  Both datum must be known to verify all


11.  Garage below BFE.
Garage spaces are below the BFE and metal fasteners and connecters are used.  Please review FEMA Technical Bulletins TB - 2, 5, 6,
8, and 9 for prohibited construction, corrosion protection, and other guidelines and provide details.
All electric and equipment must be above BFE.

All concrete below BFE must be break away.  Please provide details for frangible slab with maximum debris size of 4' x 4'.


12.  Several LVL beams are shown exposed to the elements.  LVLs are not typically pressure treated.  Please specify structural lumber exposed to the elements per FBC-R317 and provide all flashing details.


13.  Please specify all porch, garage, and ground floor ceilings and provide separation details per FBC-R302.5 and moisture protection.  Note spray foam insulation requirements.


14.  Please indicate carbon monoxide detectors, per FBC-R315.


15.  All mechanical and electrical equipment must be supported to survive any storm event.  Please show support for HVAC equipment, either on piles or supported from structure.


16.  Porches, decks, stairs, and similar accessory structures must be permenatly supported on piles or breakaway.  Please detail the above structures as completly one or the other.


17.  Window frame material must match between energy sheets and product approval.  Energy sheets state "none" for frame material; please review/clarify.


18.  Please review/clarify/provide details for:
 chimney chase
 roof decking 7/16" vs 5/8" (both are specified)
 detail 1/S4, A35 direction of force? Top and bottom.
 bearing points on perimeter LVLs, including F19.
 review bearing area of F19, LVLA, and LVLC and pile locations.
 please verify LVL to pile connections, notching LVLs 16" into  piles in two directions.
 see comment 2.
 not a complete list. 


19.  Please provide the calculations that were used to design the  cantilevered decks, including loads used and deflection; and brace details, including loads at fasteners and cross grain failure at connections.

Please provide details for cantilevered deck extended from open porch. 


20.  Please provide the calculations that were used to design the resistance to shear.  Please show the lateral forces applied to the east side of the third and second floors of the structure and how those forces are resisted by the structure, from the top of the third floor to grade.  Please verify no diagonal bracing in the wood pile system.


General Notes: Your re-submittal should include two complete sets of plans. Please insert the revised pages into the plan sets, and pages removed from the stamped "Job copy" set, should be marked as "old set" and should be included in the re-submittal.
If old "Job copy" drawings, are not resubmitted there will be additional plan review fee charged due to the amount of time necessary to review entire drawing again.
ALL ITEMS changed or revised on plans and documents shall be identified by circling, clouding or identified by some other legible method. ADDITIONAL ITEMS MAY BE REQUIRED - DEPENDING ON NEW INFORMATION AND CLARITY OF FINAL PLANS SUBMITTED FOR REVIEW.