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Clearance Sheet C2024-004009

 Department IssuesSigned OffIntl

1. This was a preliminary review. Please resubmit with approved Site Plan and Clearance Sheet.

8/14/2024 jedwards

2. The plumbing plans show 5 water fillers. 2020 FBC-Plumbing 410.3 states that where drinking fountains are required, not fewer than 2 drinking fountains shall be provided. One drinking fountain shall comply with the requirements for people who use a wheelchair and one drinking fountain shall comply with the requirements for standing persons.

8/14/2024 jedwards

3. The plumbing plans are missing Level 1 Kitchen domestic water enlarged isometric and Level 1 Kitchen sanitary and vent enlarged isometric.

8/14/2024 jedwards

4. The plans show 4 Electric Vehicle charging stations. 2020 FBC-Building 406.1.7 states that accessibility to EV charging stations shall be provided in accordance with 2020 FBC-Accessibility.

8/14/2024 jedwards

5.Page E0.00 Electrical General Notes #1 incorrectly references the 2020 NEC. Please update to include the 2017 National Electrical Code.

8/14/2024 jedwards

6. Pages G0.02 and G0.03 Applicable Codes incorrectly reference the 8th Edition of Florida Building Codes. Please update to the 7th Edition.

8/14/2024 jedwards

7. Please address Fire Services comment #34.

8/14/2024 jedwards
General Notes: Your re-submittal shall include two complete sets of plans. Please insert the revised pages into the plan sets, and pages removed from the stamped "Job copy" set, shall be marked as "old set" and shall be included in the re-submittal.
If old "Job copy" drawings, are not resubmitted there will be additional plan review fee charged due to the amount of time necessary to review entire drawing again.
ALL ITEMS changed or revised on plans and documents shall be identified by circling, clouding or identified by some other legible method. ADDITIONAL ITEMS MAY BE REQUIRED - DEPENDING ON INFORMATION AND CLARITY OF FINAL PLANS SUBMITTED FOR REVIEW.
8/14/2024 jedwards

Preliminary reviews are one time reviews submitted prior to approval of a clearance sheet and site plan. Because of this, and the documentation and plans are usually insufficient and incomplete, a full review cannot be accomplished without the possibility of adding additional comments at time of future submittals.

8/14/2024 jedwards

8. Fire Services approval is necessary for Building Plans review approval.


9. Please submit 2 copies of a Threshold building Structural Inspection Plan prepared by the Engineer of Record.