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Clearance Sheet C2024-004009

 Department IssuesSigned OffIntl

Plan reviewed for New 358,814 SF Type IB(II(222)) Construction, Sprinkled (Wet-Interior and Dry-Parking Garage), Fire Pump, Standpipes; Class 1-Wet, Pool on Level 3, Total building height: 52’-8”. Fire Alarm w/Voice Evac, Horizontal Exit – 3rd Floor.

Level 1; 116,374 SF, Level 2; 67,042 SF, Level 3; 103,760 SF, Level 4; 72,116 SF.

Mixed Use Approach – Non-Separated Occupancies: Assembly, Mercantile, Business, Storage, Storage-Enclosed Parking Garage.

Reviewed using FFPC 7th edition effective Dec. 31, 2020. NFPA 1 and 101 references are Florida Editions of the code in the FFPC.

Reviewer: D. Feagle 904-209-1721,

To schedule fire inspections please call 827-6842 (automated system). Questions about inspections please call 209-1740x1.
Review by the AHJ shall not relieve the applicant of the responsibility for compliance with the Code.  


A. Make necessary changes and resubmit everything in person to the permit center.
B. Once at the Permit Center swap out altered pages or insert new pages in EACH plan set (Job and Office). One copy of the removed/old pages from the JOB Copy will need to be submitted and marked "OLD". Do not forget to remove pages for work not associated to this permit. All plan papers must be the same size.
C. Provide a response to comments along with any supporting documentation. Response to comments is REQUIRED not optional.
- The response to comments sheet will need to include a response to each numbered comment and tell us where in the plans the comments was addressed. EX - "Top Left of Page E1-1" or "Page E1 Note 8".
- Code responses shall reference Florida Fire Prevention Code, 7th Ed.


1) This is a preliminary review. Do not resubmit until clearance sheet and approved site plan obtained. Turn in both clearance sheet and approved site plan with building permit application to Fire Permit Tech.

NOTE: Based on fire's site review, additional comments may be provided.


1a) Design approach noted on Sheet G0.03 indicates Mixed use approach; Nonseparated use (occupancies). Per 101:, The most restrictive requirements of the occupancies involved shall be used throughout the building.  


2) Rolls containing Sheets Lax.xx contain the outside landscaping, Lighting, Irrigation, etc. The plans also contain some pool information pertaining to the landscaping. The Landscaping Sheets are a part of the Civil Review and not a part of the building review. Any information inside the Lax.xx Sheets that are a part of the building review need to be integrated with the construction Sheets as necessary to be reviewed. Remove all other Sheets not pertaining to the building.


3) Section 4.8 on Sheet G0.03 references Table regarding storage room hazard protection. The Table noted above is in the New Hotel Chapter oF NFPA 101. I did not see any Hotel Occupancy in this plan set.

Correct the table to be quoted.


4) Sheet A7.10: Detail K1 has 2012 ED. Of the Life Safety Code (LSC) noted. Needs to be the 2018 ED.


5) In Building Radio Enhancement System (BDA) See also FS633.202(18)

This building is required to have a third-party contractor conduct a two-way radio communication test in accordance with NFPA 1:11.10 and NFPA 1225 (2022 ED.) before the 105-framing inspection. St Johns County Fire Rescue’s radio control frequency is 853.8875.

-If it passes the inspection radio testing, you will need to submit a copy of the testing results as a revision so we can record the documentation and remove the hold.

- If the third-party paperwork indicates the test is not satisfactory, then the contractor will have to submit for a revision. The revision will need to include: the unsatisfactory test paperwork, outline of corrective measures, and plans to illustrate the corrective measures to meet requirements provided by the design professional.

At the final, you will be required to provide satisfactory testing by the third-party contractor following the installation of the in-building radio enhancement system.


6) The FP Sheets do not contain the 61G15-32.004 information and are not signed and sealed by the Engineer. FAC 61G15-32.004

Have the engineer update the FP Sheets with the 61G15-32.004 information and wet sign and wet seal the FP Sheets


7) The Life Safety Sheets (“Means of Egress Plan”) Do not clearly show the exterior ways of the exit, exit discharge to the public way from inside the building. For example: discharge from Stair #4 and #5, How do I get to the public way? From the Tennis Shop to the Public Way and Stairs #2 and #3, Same scenario.

Provide a means of egress Sheet(s) showing the exterior routes from the exits of the building.


8) Life Safety Sheets (Means of Egress Plans), I do not see any exit signage on the LSP Sheets. The LSP Sheets and the Electrical Sheets must match the EXIT sign locations. This is so I can verify means of egress requirements.

Update the LSP sheets so they match the Electrical Sheets.

NOTE: There are egress comments noted below in this submittal review that are based on what I am able to determine is egress routes. However, upon review of the to be forthcoming 1st Resubmittal, there may be additional comments based on egress.


9) Plans show 4 Levels (floors): 4 story enclosed parking garage, 3 occupied levels and two large mechanical rooms on the roof. The 2nd Level (floor) identifies the 2nd Level enclosed parking garage but does not identify the space between the 1st Level and 3rd Level. The plans appear to indicate that there are some floor areas on level 2. For example; Sheet A5.03 above the Fire Pump Room, Daycare, Trash Holding area, etc.

a) Are these spaces utilized for access to equipment (mechanical, pool, electrical, plumbing, storage, etc.?

b) How do you access these spaces?

c) Point out the areas and code references for egress allowances, exceptions.


10) Outside of the Mechanical Rooms on the roof, will any of the roof be utilized for any other activities or occupancies


11) Sheets G1.01, G1.02, G1.03 and G1.04 provide an “Occupant Load Schedules” based on FBC. I do not see a parallel FFPC reference on these Sheets.

Provide the parallel/matching FFPC Occupant Load references.


12) The plans call for Mixed Use, Nonseparated use (occupancies). I see separation primarily on the 3rd Level. Please explain the separated use in this and other areas if the intent is mixed use – nonseparated use.


13) Plans call out “Exit Access Stair with Partial Enclosure in accordance with FFPC §8.6.8” (Sheet G1.03). See note on Sheet G1.03 and Code Summary 4.5 on Sheet G0.03.

NFPA 101:8.6.8 “Two-Story Openings with Partial Enclosure” does not apply to the Grand Stair opening as the opening spans more than two (2) adjacent stories. The Grand Stair opening spans three (3) stories in total.

Demonstrate compliance with Vertical Openings ~ 101:12.3.1.


14) One of the pool egress routes utilizes the Grand Stair as a means of egress (Sheet G1.03). The Grand Stairs is not a permitted means of egress (see comment above regarding 101:8.6.8 above). 101:

Provide an updated LSP demonstrating the 2nd means of egress from the Pool Area.


15) There is a vertical opening spanning from the 1st floor to the 3rd floor by the Grand Stair elevator. 101:12.3.1

Demonstrate how you will meet the vertical opening requirement of 101:12.3.1.


16) Exercise Rooms: Group Fitness 127, Mind-Body Studio 123, Pilates Group 119, Group waiting 129, Spin 125, Pilates Personalized 121, and Possibly Mind-Body Sanctuary 118 (need more detail as to activity) were calculated at 50sf per occupant (15sf per occ for Group waiting). 101: uses this the calculation of 50sf for exercise rooms with equipment. These rooms do not have equipment shown or only a few pieces which does not fill the majority of the room. The occupant load factor for each of the listed rooms would be 15. 101:

The adjusted calculation for each exercise room would be:  Group Fitness 127 (143 occ), Mind-Body Studio 123 (88 occ), Pilates Group 119 (76 occ), Group Waiting 129 (86 occ (601/7sf), Spin 125 (76 occ), Pilates Personalized 121 (75 occ), and Mind-Body Sanctuary 118 (48 occ).

a) Adjust the occupant loads for each room and provide for correct number of means of egress for each.

b) Adjust the Door and Hardware schedules where necessary for Panic Hardware where the occupant load is over 100


17) GYM (OPEN PLAN): This room has something spread loosely about the room. The symbol does not appear to be anything I have seen or recognize as exercise equipment. Provide the symbols for the correct exercise equipment in their location and/or provide an occupant load based on 15. 101:


18) The following rooms need additional Exits 101:12.2.4: Group Fitness 127, Group Waiting 129, Spin 125, Pilates Personalized 121. 101:12.2.4

Show additional Exits for these rooms.


19) The following rooms have the two Exits. However, the Exits do not meet the remoteness requirement of 101: measured from nearest edge of the exits (101:

Mind-Body Studio 118, Pilates Group 119.


20) Dead-End Corridors greater than 20’: 101:

1st Floor Circulation (Members) 134,

Reduce the length of the dead-end corridor.


21) Sheet A9.10 calls out doors 100, 121A, 121B, 125B, Child 130A (with remote lock and PT 302 to have card Readers or Card Readers/Electric Strike.

a) Will there be any special locking arrangements such as Access-Control, Mag-Locks, Door Hardware Release of Electrically Locked Egress Door Assemblies, Delayed-Egress of Electrical Locking Systems, Sensor-Release of Electrical Locking System, etc.? 101:,,,

a) Call out the doors to receive such hardware / systems,

NOTE: I am placing a HOLD 105 Inspection for a revision to review any Access-Control, Special Locking Arrangements


22) Door Schedule on Sheet A9.10 does not show the Accordion WonDoor in its schedule.

Provide the information in the door schedule for the WonDoor.


23) 3rd Floor Gym (Cardio) towards 1st “WonDoor” looks like it will create a “Dead-end” corridor when the WonDoor is activated. 101:

a) Demonstrate how the WonDoor will not create a Dead-end Corridor.

b) Provide the manufacturer’s specification sheets for the WonDoor.

NOTE: I am placing a HOLD 105 Inspection for a revision to review the WonDoor submittal and its connection with the Fire Alarm System.


24) Total Travel distance shown for the Enclosed Parking Garage - parking level #1 from parking space by Storage / Maintenance Room 148 to Stair #1 and to Stair #2 is greater than 200’. 101: Table

Demonstrate compliance with the maximum travel distance per 101:

NOTE: The distance shown for travel to Stair #1 does not end at the stairway entrance door, as the stairway does not discharge at the exterior of the building. Stairway #1 discharges into the Open-Air Paseo & Arcade corridor and travels approximately another 76 feet to the exterior of the building (exit discharge).


25) Stairway #1 (Rated 2 hours) does not exit to the exterior (out of the building). The Stairway exits into the open-air Paseo & Arcade corridor/egress space. Egress travel from Stairway #1, 1st floor door to the exterior of the building is approximately 74’.

If you intend to use Stairway #1 as an exit, how will you provide continued egress protection of the Stairway to the exterior of the building?


26) There are stairs that travel from the Egress Exits of the building from Level 1 to the lower ground below. I do not see handrails (and Guards if necessary) for these stairs. 101:, 101:, 101:, 101:7.2.2

Demonstrate compliance with 101:7.2.2


27) Plans call for Horizontal Exits. There are several noted on the plans. Please identify each Horizontal Exit separately, such as; Horizontal Exit #1, Horizontal Exit #2, etc.


28) Sheet G10.03 calls out a Horizontal Exit Refuge Area. 101:7.2.4

Compartment A has an occupant load of 1,116 and an egress capacity shown of 883 occupants: Stair #1 (200), Stair #2 (165) Stair #4 (165), Stair #5 (153) and Grand Stair (200). Balance of Compartment A to Horizontal Exit B: 398 occupants.

Compartment B Has an occupant load of 316 and an egress capacity of shown of 165 occupants: Stair #3 (165).

Compartment A is shown with Stairs 1, 2, 4, 5 on its side of the Fire Barrier and Compartment B is shown with only Stair #3 on its side of the Fire Barrier. The Horizontal Exits only indicate a Horizontal Exit from Compartment A to Compartment B. 101:12.2.4, 101:7.4,,

a) I only see one exit (Stair #3) for Compartment B, how will you meet the minimum of two (2) exits?

b) Remember to demonstrate remoteness of the exits.

c) Verify common path; 20’ any number of occupants, 75’ for not more than 50 occupants and max travel distances of 200’ on Compartment A side (GYM - Open Plan)

Keep in mind that the Grand Stair is currently under question regarding its ability to be utilized as an Exit Access as noted above. The numbers of occupants in both Compartments A and B may change causing egress capacity issues for both compartments.


29) Risk Analysis for Mass Notification System. 101:

Provide a Risk Analysis for Mass Notification for the building.


30) Common Paths exceeding 20’ of travel for all occupant loads except for those with 50 or less occupants, which is 75’ of travel (101:

Level #1: Pilates Personalized 121, Mind-Body Studio 123, Tennis Shop 109, Gourmet Shop (from Tennis Shop to front of restaurant), Storage / Maintenance (Garage).

Level #4: (Mechanical Penthouse on left of Stair #1.


31) Max travel distance exceeds 200’ (101:

Level #1: 1st Floor Garage…

Level 3: GYM (Open Plan) Outdoor Terrace (248’), Pool Storage by Men’s Lockers, Whirlpool to Horizontal Exit (244’), Whirlpool to Grand Stair (224’) (not an approved exit), Parking Garage: Horizontal Exit by Pool Supplies (291’), etc.

Level 4: Mechanical Penthouse on Left of Stair #1 (244’ plus travel down and to exit discharge), Mechanical Penthouse on right of Stair #1 (more than 200’ to Stair #1 and down to exit discharge. Most of the far areas of the parking areas.


32) Horizontal Exit Fire Barriers. I do not see where the 2-hour Fire Barriers continues to ground level. 101:, 101:


33) Horizontal Exit Fire Barrier utilizes “Fire Sprinkler Water Curtain” protected glass in a 2 Hour Fire Barrier; Horizontal Exit Fire Barrier and Grand Stair enclosure, partial Enclosure(?). The plans include doors in the 2-hour Fire Rated Barrier.

Point out / Demonstrate compliance with NFPA 13:8.15.26


34) Plans indicate Childcare areas with outdoor Nursery Playground.

a) Will this Childcare Facility be licensed by Florida Department of Children and Families (DCF) or other County, State or another agency? If NO,

b) Will the child’s relative or guardian be within the same building the whole time the child is in the Childcare Facility (101: If NO,

If the answer to “a)” is YES, and/or the answer to “b)” is NO, then the childcare occupancy will be reviewed as a daycare under chapter 16 of NFPA 101. Otherwise,

The childcare areas will be reviewed as Assembly. 101:12.1.2,


35) Fire Pump Room does not appear to be Fire Separated from the remainder of the building. NFPA 20:

Provide Fire Separation of the Fire Pump Room and the remainder of the building (walls/ceiling/floor


36) Fire Pump Room: I do not see any Emergency Lighting (EL) in the Fire Pump Room. The EL in the Fire Pump Room is to be 3.0 ft-candles at the floor AND Shall maintain the lighting level of 3.0 ft-candles for a minimum of 2 hours. NFPA 20:4.13.5

Provide the above Emergency Lighting in the Fire Pump Room.

NOTE: The EL levels and run time are not the same as the standard EL illumination required by 101: The EL required in the Fire Pump Room is required throughout the room. Provide documentation (spec sheets) the EL meets these requirements.


37) Emergency Lighting (EL) is not shown in some of the Rooms and areas:

Level 1: Throughout the exterior “Level Exit” (see Sheet G1.01) areas, Outside Dining by the Gourmet Shop and the exterior seating (means of egress) areas between them. 101:12.2.9. Also, No EL shown in Stairs 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, Large Storage Room 147B, Storage/Maintenance 149, Need in gourmet Shop behind counter area, Kitchen Men’s Restroom 115 in the back, Women’s Restroom 116, Men’s Restroom 117, Mind-Body Sanctuary 118, Group Waiting 129, MDF Room, Trash Holding 150.

Level 2:

Level 3: I do not see any EL’s in the outer spaces/outcrops of the GYM (OPEN PLAN parallel with the Open Terrace (including the Open Terrace), Physical Therapy rooms including the PT storage Room, Open Terrace by Living Room, Pool Storage by Horizontal Exit, Soiled Terry Holding, Under/in the area of the exterior pool deck (trellis area), along the glass wall of the pool area (poolside of glass) to the Pool Storage Room Men’s and women’s Locker Rooms, Shower Area closest to elevator, Men’s and women’s Spa areas.


38) Gourmet Shop and Kitchen: It appears there may be a CO2 system. Will the CO2 beverage system exceed 100 pounds? If so, demonstrate compliance with NFPA 55:13.10.

NOTE: Make sure to include CO2 tank location, CO2 piping to mixing location (ex- bag/box), indicate which option will be used (ventilation vs sensor/notification) AND show compliance with chosen option of compliance. If Sensor/notification, show locations of the devices.

NOTE: The Co2 system and its detection/notification system can be a deferred submittal if you desire. Please note this on the plans if you plan on submitting as a deferred submittal.


39) Gourmet Shop and Kitchen: I do not see where cooking oil (new and/or used) will be stored. If inside the building, show compliance with 1:66.19.7. If outside the building, indicate tank size (in gallons) and be prepared to submit for tank permit if over 60 gallons. Permit will need to show compliance with NFPA 1 Chapter 66 (1:66.9.19, 1:66.21 and 1:66.222) for a combustible IIIB liquid.

NOTE: The Oil storage tanks and/or oil storage system can be a deferred submittal if you desire. Please note on the plans if you plan on submitting as a deferred submittal.


40) Lighting Plans Marked by Sheet Numbers LDxx have “FOR REFERENCE ONLY” printed on them. These will not be used for review. If they are intended to be used in the review process remove the “FOR REFERENCE ONLY” statement.


41) Horizontal Exit Refuge Area: Plans call for a Horizontal Exit Refuge Area on Level 3 in the Parking Garage. There is an area marked out on the parking deck that covers several parking spaces. Furthermore, Code Summary 4.7 on Sheet G0.03 identifies the floor as an Area of Refuge and the elevators will have two-way communication per FFPC § The reference “FFPC §” or, 101: references the two-way communication on the elevator “landing”, not in the elevator or the elevators inside required emergency communication requirement. Please note that the elevators are NOT in Compartment “B” (Refuge Area) but are located in Compartment “A”.

a) Demonstrate compliance with 101:, (2) and (3),

b) Point out the locations of the two-way communication stations,

c) Provide samples of the two-way communication instructions

d) How will you provide a two-way communication station in Compartment “B” since there are no elevators/elevator landings in Compartment B?


42) Carbon Monoxide Detection:  I am unable to locate carbon monoxide detection and warning equipment:

a) On the ceiling of rooms that contain permanently installed fuel-burning appliances. 101:

b) Centrally located within occupiable spaces served by the first supply air register from permanently installed fuel-burning HVAC systems. 101:

c) Centrally located within occupiable spaces adjacent to an attached garage. 101:


Point out / provide CO detectors.


43) I am unable to locate elevator information. 101:30.5.3, 69A-47

Please point out where it shows:

- The new elevator complies with ASME A17.1/CSA B44.  101:,

- The new elevator complies with Fire Fighter recall. 101:

- If the elevator is operated by solid state equipment, show where compliance with 101:9.4.5 is illustrated.

- The elevator is fitted with the “Emergency Response Region #3” Key. (NFPA 1:11.3.6, FAC 69A-47.012/69A-47.015) This key will allow the override and operation of the elevator.


44) Food Service Equipment Sheets include Sheets containing information about the Type 1 Hood and its Suppression system. The Hood and Suppression System is to be deferred Submittal.

a) Remove all Hood and Suppression Information from these plans, OR

b) Place “Fore Informational Purposes Only” or “Deferred Submittal” on the Sheets.


45) Sheet IA0.01 provides the Interior Finish Requirements and the Wall & Ceiling Finish Schedules based on the table as defined in the IBC Section 803.1 and 803.5.

Provide the wall, ceiling and floor finish schedule as noted in NFPA 101:12.3.3


46) Finish Schedule on Sheet IA9.11 states “Refer to TJS FFE Specifications for Details” in the NOTES portion of the Schedule for all items. I am not able to locate the “TJS FFE”.

Please point out the location of the “TJS FFE” or provide the TJS FFE for review.


47) As noted in Code Summary 10.5 (panic hardware requirement) on Sheet G0.03, and as this is a Mixed Occupancy, once the occupant loads have been updated verify and make changes in the plans regarding the Panic Hardware requirement.



Occupancy Sensors NFPA 101:  
Unless prohibited by Chapters 11 through 43, automatic lighting control devices shall be permitted to temporarily turn off the illumination within the means of egress, provided that each lighting control device complies with all of the following:
(1) In new installations, the lighting control device is listed.
(2) The lighting control device is equipped to automatically energize the controlled lights upon loss of normal power and is evaluated for this purpose.
(3) Illumination timers are provided and are set for a minimum 15-minute duration.
(4) The lighting control device is activated by any occupant movement in the area served by the lighting units.
(5) In new installations, the lighting control device is activated by activation of the building fire alarm system, if provided.
(6) The lighting control device does not turn off any lights relied upon for activation of photoluminescent exit signs or path markers.
(7) The lighting control device does not turn off any battery-equipped emergency luminaires, unit equipment, or exit signs.

Be Prepared to Show Compliance at the time of your Fire Alarm Final or Fire Final.


Each new Fire Wall, Fire Barrier, Fire Partition, Smoke Barrier, Smoke Partition, or any other new wall required to have protected openings shall be permanently identified with signs or stenciling above any decorative ceiling and in concealed spaces, with the wording “FIRE AND SMOKE BARRIER – PROTECT ALL OPENINGS”, or similar language. Such signs or stenciling shall be 4 in. high letters, ½ in. stroke, and not more than 15 ft. on center.


Make sure that emergency lighting systems are arranged to provide the required illumination automatically in the event of any interruption of normal lighting due to any of the following:  NFPA 101
(1) Failure of a public utility or other outside electrical power supply
(2) Opening of a circuit breaker or fuse
(3) Manual act(s), including accidental opening of a switch controlling normal lighting facilities.
NOTE: Our office has experienced issues with large projects that have emergency generators not being prepared to comply with item #2.


Air handlers with more than 2000 CFM are required to have duct smoke detectors. NOTE: If there is a FIRE ALARM SYSTEM in the building the duct smoke detector must also be connected to the fire alarm system. (NFPA 90A:
Where smoke detectors required by 6.4 are installed in a building not equipped with an approved fire alarm system as specified by, the following shall occur:
1. Smoke detector activation required by section 6.4 shall cause a visual signal and an audible signal at a normally occupied area.
2. Detector troubles shall be indicated visually or audibly in a normally occupied area identified as air duct


Buildings containing Fire Alarm Systems, Fire Sprinkler Systems, etc. and/or Security Systems that make it difficult to access the building in an emergency are required to have a Fail-Safe box. NFPA 1:

Please contact St Johns County Fire Rescue Secretary Dawn Lyons at 904-209-1712 for the correct order form.


At the time of fire final be prepared to provide a copy of the manufacturer specification sheets to the fire inspector showing that each interior finish will meet:

- Interior wall and ceiling finish materials shall be Class A or Class B in all corridors and lobbies and shall be Class A in enclosed stairways. 101:

- Floor finish shall meet either: a) ASTM D 2859 for carpet and carpet like materials or b) has a minimum critical radiant flux of .1 W/cm2 for non-carpet flooring. 101:

- Interior floor finish in exit enclosures and exit access corridors and in spaces not separated from them by walls complying with 12.3.6 shall be not less than Class II.

If there are multiple finishes, label each spec sheet identifying each product, its location AND highlight the area showing illustrating it meets the applicable Code requirement.


The system(s) outlined in this set of plans is conceptual.

A HOLD has been placed at insulation inspection (109) until either: a) a permit has been pulled or b) a letter submitted from respective system contractor indicating no work to be done to the existing system:

- Fire alarm system (Voice Evac) (E0.00)
- Fire sprinkler system (Supervised)
- Fire underground
- Kitchen hood (Water Wash / R-102 Suppression)
- Kitchen suppression system
- Fire/smoke damper inspections
- In-Building Radio Enhancement System (BDA) TEST / PERMIT
- HOLD 105 INSP for Revision: Fire Rated WonDoor Submittal
- HOLD 109 INSP for Revision: Special Locking Arrangements