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Clearance Sheet C2023-002310

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Plan submitted for a new ABOVEGROUND ONLY 398 head nfpa 13  wet sprinkler system. Reviewed as using FFPC 7th edition effective January 1, 2024. Review by the AHJ shall not relieve the applicant of the responsibility for compliance with the Code.

Reviewer: V.Vitori   
For questions regarding comments you may reach me at either: 904 209 1748 or
To schedule fire inspections call 827 6842 (automated system).
Questions about inspections or resubmitting your plans call 209 1740x1.

NOTE: FDC is off building and currently shows it ties in on underground.

Thursday, March 14, 2024 Plans sumbmitted now are for 402 heads. The window protection was NOT shown in the 1st previous shop drawing pages either.

4/29/2024 VVitori

A. Make necessary changes and resubmit everything in person to the permit center. You may not make handwritten alterations on signed and sealed plan pages.
B. Once at the Permit Center swap out altered pages or insert new pages in EACH plan set (Job and Office). One copy of the removed/old pages from the JOB Copy will need to be submitted and marked "OLD". Do not forget to remove pages for work not associated to this permit. All plan papers must be the same size.
C. Provide a response to comments along with any supporting documentation. Response to comments is REQUIRED not optional.
- The response to comments sheet will need to include a response to each numbered comment and tell us where in the plans the comments was addressed. EX - "Top Left of Page E1-1" or "Page E1 Note 8".
- Code responses shall reference Florida Fire Prevention Code, 8th Ed.

4/29/2024 VVitori

1) Submitted shop drawings indicate storage up to 12' in height with .20gpm/sf over most remote 1500sf using 250gpm outside hose allowance.

The Owners Information Certificate and sprinkler EOR indicate that storage is going to be 16' high. Looking at sprinkler EOR's criteria, he classified this rack storage as high piled which covers approx. 50% of the structure. His design calls for .22 GPM/sf over most remote 2000sf plus 500gpm outside hose allowance.

 Florida Administrative Code (FAC) 61G15-32.002 defines a material deviation as "Any deviation from the design parameters established and documented by the Engineer of Record." Furthermore FAC 61G15-32.003(6) states "When layout documents contain material deviation from the Engineer of Record's Fire Protection System Engineering Document, such layout documents are not compliant unless they are accompanied by revised Engineering Documents made and sealed by the Engineer of record for the Fire Protection System."


a) submit revised signed/sealed engineering criteria from original EOR to match shop drawings or

b) have shop drawings match engineering design criteria.

Thursday, March 14, 2024 Response to comment indicates "Shop drawings revised to provide additional hydraulic calculation for High Pile Storage area per EOR's design criteria. Please see FA#4 remote area on FP-1 drawing and associated hydraulic calculation."

3/13/2024 VVitori

2) Also plans do not articulate which specific storage chapters were used for design/protection of the 16' high piled storage commodity. Articulate which chapters and sections of NFPA 13 were used so a review can be conducted.

Thursday, March 14, 2024 Response to comment indicates "Added note on FP-.01 for specific storage design criteria and NFPA 13 reference."

Monday, April 29, 2024 Response to comment indicates "Added additional details for code references for storage on FP-1."

Based on the information provided on FP1. Inspector make sure rack spacing is atleast 8' between racks based on 13: and required by sprinkler engineer on FS2 under Design Approach.

4/29/2024 VVitori

Wednesday, March 13, 2024 Newly added comment of shop drawing review based on addressing above comments.

3) Shop drawing plan page FP2 shows sprinkler heads protecting windows in a 1hr rated wall. I am not aware of where this is permitted in FFPC 7th except for in an atrium (101:8.6.7, which this is not). Either:

a) have building pages revised showing how the 1 hour separation wall will be maintained in accord with FFPC7th edition. Then once the building revision is approved, resubmit the shop drawings based on building plan changes. OR

b) point out where in FFPC 7th edition that sprinkler heads are permitted to serve as a option to maintain a rated separation.

Monday, April 29, 2024 Response to comment indicates "Sprinklers at the windows of the partition have been eliminated. The fire sprinkler system will not be used to maintain the rating of this partition. Other means by other trades will be used to achieve the desired rating. Heads eliminated on FP-2."

HOld 105 framing for building revision addressing 1 hr separation.

4/29/2024 VVitori

Wednesday, March 13, 2024 Newly added comment of shop drawing review based on addressing above comments.

4) There are multiple HVLS fans shown on FP1. Do not see where the fans meet 13:11.1.7(2) (are centered between four sprinklers) and 13:11.1.7(3) (vertical clearance from fan to sprinkler deflector minimum of 3').

Monday, April 29, 2024 Response to comment indicates "Sprinkler heads re-spaced around HVLS fans to meet requirements of NFPA 13 - 11.7.3 (1-4) (See Fans on FP-1)…."

4/29/2024 VVitori

Wednesday, March 13, 2024 Newly added comment of shop drawing review based on addressing above comments. 

5) Unable to locate where suspended ceiling grid meets ASTMC 635. 13:  Provide spec sheet for suspended ceiling tile grid showing it meets ASTM C 635.

Monday, April 29, 2024 Response to comment indicates "Product data sheet for acoustical ceiling grid added to product submittal data to show grid meets ASTM C 635."

4/29/2024 VVitori

Wednesday, March 13, 2024 Newly added comment of shop drawing review based on addressing above comments.

6) Unable to locate relief valve or auxiliary air reservoir. Point out where relief valve or air reservoir has been provided. 13:7.1.2

Monday, April 29, 2024 Response to comment indicates "Air relief valve added to remote line of system. See bottom left of FP-1."

4/29/2024 VVitori