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Clearance Sheet C2023-002310

 Department IssuesSigned OffIntl

Plan submitted for new 49,979sf 2 story storage and business occupancy in a construction type IIB sprinklered building. Depending on the fire area reviewed, it was all new either mixed or separated depending on exiting of spaces using FFPC 7th edition effective January 1, 2021. Review by the AHJ shall not relieve the applicant of the responsibility for compliance with the Code.

Reviewer: V.Vitori   
For questions regarding comments you may reach me at either: 904 209 1748 or
To schedule fire inspections call 827 6842 (automated system).
Questions about inspections or resubmitting your plans call 209 1740x1.

Break down of my review classification for the 1 hour fire separated areas:

1st floor office area - mixed use 1/2 fam dwelling, business, storage

1st floor garage area - storage only

1st floor warehouse area - mixed use storage and business

2nd floor "storage" - 1/2 fam dwelling and storage

2nd floor "mezzanine" - mixed use business , storage and 1/2 fam dwelling

Thursday, August 31, 2023 Upon resubmittal there is no residential occupancy included nor a 2nd floor. Both were eliminated.

There is also a note at the bottom left of T1 that indicates the owner intends to occupy entire structure at this time. If he chooses to rent to another tenant later a separate permit will be pulled. Updated occupancy classification is mixed use industrial, low hazard storage and business.

8/31/2023 VVitori

A. Make necessary changes and resubmit everything in person to the permit center.
B. Once at the Permit Center swap out altered pages or insert new pages in EACH plan set (Job and Office). One copy of the removed/old pages from the JOB Copy will need to be submitted and marked "OLD". Do not forget to remove pages for work not associated to this permit. All plan papers must be the same size.
C. Provide a response to comments along with any supporting documentation. Response to comments is REQUIRED not optional.
- The response to comments sheet will need to include a response to each numbered comment and tell us where in the plans the comments was addressed. EX - "Top Left of Page E1-1" or "Page E1 Note 8".
- Code responses shall reference Florida Fire Prevention Code, 7th Ed.

8/31/2023 VVitori

1) Remove both the separate civil plan sets and landscaping pages from within the vertical construction plan sets. If these are revisions to what was approved during the site review then resubmit to site review for a revision.

Thursday, August 31, 2023 RTC indicate "Acknowledged."

8/31/2023 VVitori

2) The architectural plan pages show a 2nd floor 2000sf "open storage". MEP's and sprinkler design criteria on FS pages show this  same 2000sf to be a built out 1/2 family dwelling and Storage room 201 as "game room".  Either: a) have the 2nd floor 1/2 family dwelling included on the architectural pages to match the MEP's or b) remove the 1/2 family dwelling on the MEP's to match the architectural pages.

NOTE: I went ahead and reviewed plans as if the 1/2 family dwelling will remain.

Thursday, August 31, 2023 RTC indicate "Second floor has been eliminated; please see resubmitted drawing set (Rev.1) that accompanies this response. These changes are also reflected on the revised drawing sets for the engineering disciplines that are being resubmitted as well."

8/31/2023 VVitori

3) Page A1.0 indicates there will be a press room. What is going on in this room? Show/describe processes. Are products being manufactured or processed, assembling, mixing, packaging, finishing, decorating or repairing? If so then this structure might also need to include industrial as a occupancy type. 101:

NOTE: I did not include this occupancy since it is not clear of the use of the room. If this occupancy is to be included then a new review will take place with the new occupancy class.

Thursday, August 31, 2023 RTC indicate "The applicable occupancies are indicated under the Use and Occupancy Classification section on Sheet T1.0 of resubmitted drawing set (Rev.1) that accompanies this response."

8/31/2023 VVitori

4) The sprinkler design criteria on FS2 indicates that there will be rack storage up to 16' high with 8 foot minimum aisle widths. Show racking layout on a floor plan. Also provide elevation view of racking. You may need to include a manufacture spec sheet of racking type.Fire Protection requirements vary widely based on the specific type of material being stored and the unique hazards that they represent. 1:34   1:34.7.2

Thursday, August 31, 2023 RTC indicate "Please see racks indicated on revised Sheet LS1.0 of resubmitted drawing set (Rev.1) that accompanies this response. Please see Appendix A for specification for the racking system."

Make sure racks are more than 12" away from building columns or this will need to be addressed by architect and engineer.

8/31/2023 VVitori

5) 3108sf 2nd floor office area shows an empty floor plan. Show general furniture arrangement or articulate how this is going to be used.

NOTE: If this will be used as a flex room then update to include assembly use occ load and assembly occupancy.

Thursday, August 31, 2023 RTC indicate "Second floor has been eliminated; please see resubmitted drawing set (Rev.1) that accompanies this response."

8/31/2023 VVitori

The system(s) outlined in this set of plans is conceptual.

A HOLD has been placed at insulation inspection (109) until a permit has been pulled :
- Fire alarm system (E pages; A1.0 Hvls fan shut down; supervised sprinkler 101:,  101:, 101:42.2.5; monitored 1:
- Fire sprinkler system (A1.0 shows multiple hvls fans in 1st floor storage, FS pages, 16' high rack storage. see LS1.0 for racking layout, garage doors and some at loading docks on A1.0 and A1.1)
- Fire underground

- In-Building Radio Enhancement System (BDA) TEST / PERMIT

8/31/2023 VVitori

This building is required to have a third party contractor conduct a two-way radio communication test in accordance with NFPA 1:11.10 and NFPA 1225 (2022 ED.) before the 105 framing inspection. St Johns County Fire Rescue’s radio control frequency is 853.8875.

-If it passes the inspection radio testing, you will need to submit a copy of the testing results as a revision so we can record the documentation and remove the hold.

- If the third party paperwork indicates the test is not satisfactory, then the contractor will have to submit for a revision. The revision will need to include: the unsatisfactory test paperwork, outline of corrective measures, and plans to illustrate the corrective measures to meet requirements provided by the design professional.

At the final, you will be required to provide satisfactory testing by the third party contractor following the installation of the in building radio enhancement system.

8/31/2023 VVitori

6) Looking at stair detail for stair 2 on A1.7, I do not see guards. Show compliance with 101:

Thursday, August 31, 2023 RTC indicate "There is no need for this detail anymore since the second floor has been eliminated; please see resubmitted drawing set (Rev.1) that accompanies this response."

8/31/2023 VVitori

7) It is not clear where the sprinkler riser is going. Looking at A1.1, is it going to go on the storage side of the fire wall under the stairs or the office side in "pick-up"?. If storage side articulate how the sprinkler riser will be kept above freezing. If in the "pick-up" corridor make sure enough room will be provided for exiting.  13:

Thursday, August 31, 2023 RTC indicate "heaters have been shown in all AME plans. See Energy Cals for heat tonnage required, Arch for placement and Manufacturer and Model numbers and Electrical for power to them."

8/31/2023 VVitori

8) Which vertical opening option is being used to protect the stair 1 opening? 101:42.3.1  101:38.3.1

Thursday, August 31, 2023 RTC indicate "Stairs are non existent now. Second floor has been eliminated; please see resubmitted drawing set (Rev.1) that accompanies this response."

8/31/2023 VVitori

At the time of fire final be prepared to provide a copy of the manufacturer specification sheets to the fire inspector showing that each interior finish will meet:

- Wall and ceiling finish in exits or exit access corridors will meet Class A or B. 101:

- Wall and ceiling finish will meet Class A, B or C.  101:  101:   101:

- Floor finish in exit enclosures and exit access corridors shall meet Class I or II. 101:  101:

- Floor finish shall meet either: a) ASTM D 2859 for carpet and carpet like materials or b) has a minimum critical radiant flux of .1 W/cm2 for non-carpet flooring. 101:

If there are multiple finishes, label each spec sheet identifying each product, its location AND highlight the area showing illustrating it meets the applicable Code requirement.

8/31/2023 VVitori

9) No emergency lighting in 2nd floor dwelling game room and minimal stair emergency lighting. Add emergency lighting. 101:42.2.8.  101:38.2.9.

Thursday, August 31, 2023 RTC indicate "Second floor has been eliminated; please see resubmitted drawing set (Rev.1) and related engineering discipline drawings that accompany this response."

8/31/2023 VVitori

10) Will repair operations be conducted in the 1st floor garage? If so make sure to include design structure as industrial occupancy, include industrial occupancy in code summary, and show compliance with industrial section(s) of code. 101:

Thursday, August 31, 2023 RTC indicate "No repair operations will be conducted in this garage. This is only a car storage garage. The occupancies are indicated under the Use and Occupancy Classification section on Sheet T1.0 of resubmitted drawing set (Rev.1) that accompanies this response."

8/31/2023 VVitori

11) Unable to locate smoke detection or alarms in single family dwelling. 101:24.3.4

NOTE: Do not forget to provide a smoke on each level that serves the dwelling unit.

Thursday, August 31, 2023 RTC indicate "Please see revised MEP set resubmitted with this response. Note: Single family dwelling has been removed."

8/31/2023 VVitori

12) Unable to locate carbon monoxide detection in accord with 101: Also recommend protecting foyer to business office.

NOTE: Do not forget to provide a CO detection on each level that serves the dwelling unit.

Thursday, August 31, 2023 RTC indicate "Please see revised MEP set resubmitted with this response. Note: Single family dwelling unit removed."

8/31/2023 VVitori

13) Will there be any hazardous materials stored or used on site? If so, provide completed hazardous materials inventory statement in accord with 1:60.1.7 (See NFPA 1 annex D section II for sample form). If material quantities exceed MAQ be prepared to show compliance with appropriate section of hazardous materials code (NFPA 1 ch 60).

Thursday, August 31, 2023 RTC indicate "No hazardous materials will be used or stored on site."

8/31/2023 VVitori