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Clearance Sheet C2023-000817

 Department IssuesSigned OffIntl

Plan reviewed for New NFPA 13 Wet Sprinkler system. 4" Riser connected to the 6" supply 1'AFF. Then splitting into the 1st FL 4" riser and the 2nd FL 4" Riser. 4" Free Standing FDC connected to the 2nd FL riser below the check valve and free flow to both the 1st and 2nd FL risers. There is a BFP Forward Test Header (2 - 2.5" hose valves) connected to pipe from 1st Fl riser on the outside wall.

Reviewed using FFPC 7th edition effective Dec. 31, 2020. NFPA 1 and 101 references are Florida Editions of the code in the FFPC.

Reviewer: D. Feagle 904-209-1721,

To schedule fire inspections please call 827-6842 (automated system). Questions about inspections please call 209-1740x1.
Review by the AHJ shall not relieve the applicant of the responsibility for compliance with the Code.  


A. Make necessary changes and resubmit everything in person to the permit center.
B. Once at the Permit Center swap out altered pages or insert new pages in EACH plan set (Job and Office). One copy of the removed/old pages from the JOB Copy will need to be submitted and marked "OLD". Do not forget to remove pages for work not associated to this permit. All plan papers must be the same size.
C. Provide a response to comments along with any supporting documentation. Response to comments is REQUIRED not optional.
- The response to comments sheet will need to include a response to each numbered comment and tell us where in the plans the comments was addressed. EX - "Top Left of Page E1-1" or "Page E1 Note 8".
- Code responses shall reference Florida Fire Prevention Code 7th Ed.


1) NFPA 13  Provide spec sheet for suspended ceiling tile grid showing it meets ASTM C 635.



2) Sprinkler Legend does not identify the make / model / SIN of the sprinkler head. 13:23.1.3(12)


3) Provide signage detail for the BFP Forward Test Header. 13:


4) Provide a list of the spare sprinklers to be provided. The list is to be installed in the sprinkler head cabinet. 13:

  1. The list shall include the following:

(1) Sprinkler Identification Number (SIN) if equipped; or the manufacturer, model, orifice, deflector type, thermal sensitivity, and pressure rating

(2) General description

(3) Quantity of each type to be contained in the cabinet

(4) Issue or revision date of the list