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Clearance Sheet C2023-000817

 Department IssuesSigned OffIntl

Plan reviewed for new 38,879 SF (1st FL: 20,822, 2nd FL: 18,057 SF)  2-Story Type IIB (II(000)) Construction, Supervised Sprinkler System (Riser in Stairway #2), Full Fire Alarm System w/Voice EVAC, Generator (Type 1, Level 1, Type 10, Class 8), 2 Elevators. Areas of Rescue in both Stairways. Stairway #2 has Roof Access.

Acoustical Ceiling Grid: Armstron: ASTM C 635. Project Manual 09 50 00 3

1st FL is Ambulatory Healthcare and 2nd FL is Business.

Reviewed using FFPC 7th edition effective Dec. 31, 2020. NFPA 1 and 101 references are Florida Editions of the code in the FFPC.

Reviewer: D. Feagle 904-209-1721,

To schedule fire inspections please call 827-6842 (automated system). Questions about inspections please call 209-1740x1.
Review by the AHJ shall not relieve the applicant of the responsibility for compliance with the Code.


Thursday, April 13, 2023 DF: Review of 1st Resubmittal. NOTE: ALL new plans submitted.


A. Make necessary changes and resubmit everything in person to the Permit Center.
B. Once at the Permit Center swap out altered pages or insert new pages in EACH plan set (job and office). One copy of the removed/old pages will need to be resubmitted and labeled "OLD". Do not forget to remove pages for work not associated in this permit.
C. Provide a response to comments along with any supporting documentation.  Response to comments is REQUIRED not optional.
- The response to comments sheet will need to include a response to each numbered comment and tell us where in the plans the comment was addressed. Ex - "top left of page A11" or "Page E1 note 8".
- Code responses shall reference Florida Fire Prevention Code 7th Ed. (not Building Code)


1) This is a preliminary review. Do not resubmit until clearance sheet obtained and approved site plan included.

NOTE: Based on fire's site review, additional comments may be provided.

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1A) Missing the following Sheets: Life Safety Sheets, Electrical Sheets. Provide missing Life Safety Sheets and the Electrical Sheets.

NOTE: Additional review comments may be noted upon review of the electrical sheets.

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2) Provide the Classification of Hazard of Contents in accordance with Section 6.2 of NFPA 101. 101:20.1.5


Thursday, April 13, 2023 DF: RTC: Reference design criteria on FP001, project is considered to be a Light Hazard Occupancy. This has been added to Sheet G003.

Thursday, April 13, 2023 DF: Reviewer's Response: "Light Hazard" is not one of the 3 hazard classifications found in Section 6.2 of NFPA 101. Provide the appropriate "Classification of Hazard of Contents" as noted in Section 6.2 of NFPA 101.


3) I was not able to find the Ambulatory floor square footage in the Code Data.

Please provide the Square footage or point out the data location.


Thursday, April 13, 2023 DF: RTC: Reference LS101 drawing; Ambulatory SF is stated in the Functional Program - Ambulatory Surgical Center (Level 1) table as 19,374 SF. This information has also been added to Sheet G003 (Project Summary).

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4) Provide sheet(s) showing the Smoke Compartments in accordance with 101:20.3.7.


Thursday, April 13, 2023 DF: RTC: Reference Sheet LS101 for interior rated wall/partition locations.

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5) Sheet A922 Level 2 Door Schedule does not provide the door hardware sets to door numbers in the schedule. Doors 270, 283 and 290 are not shown in the Level 2 Door Schedule.

Update the door schedule to include the hardware sets and missing door numbers.


Thursday, April 13, 2023 DF: RTC: Rooms associated with door numbers 270 and 283, were deleted from the original design and associated doors removed from the schedule. A note indicating this has been added clarification to the door schedule on sheet A922. Door for room 290 is provided in schedule on A922.

Thursday, April 13, 2023 DF: I am unable to find Sheet A922 in the plan set. There are Two (2) Sheets A921. Replace one of the A921 Sheets with the missing A922 Sheet.

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6) Hardware Sets in section 087100 in the Project Specifications Manual include the following doors to have Access-Control or other Special Locking arrangements: 105, 107, 140, 141A, 141B, 142, 157C, 170, 183A, 270, 283 and 290.

The following doors are identified as having Card readers: 100A, 100B, 105, 107, 118, 124A, 124B, 128, 135A, 35B, 141A, 141B, 142, 143A, 158, 161, 200A, 200B and 229.

a) Identify the type of locking arrangement as permitted by 101:,

b) Provide documentation / demonstrate these locking arrangements comply with NFPA 101:,, and or other type of locking arrangement permitted in section of NFPA 101,

c) Update the plans to demonstrate compliance with the specific provisions of the locking arrangements allowed such as the emergency lighting, any special signage, etc.


Thursday, April 13, 2023 DF: The Response To Comments is rather lengthy and has been submitted for scanning. I have looked at the resubmittal and the project book and I am still not able to clarify if the special locking arrangements are compliant with the FFPC.

Due to the number of special locking arrangements and the information needed to verify compliance that I do not have I am requiring the Contractor/Company installing the locking arrangements to submit a revision for the locking arrangements, the supply

The following doors appear to have special locking arrangements (some from the response to comments and some from the Project Book): 105, 107, 140, 141A, 141B, 142, 157C, 170, 183, 290, 100A, 100B, 105, 107, 118, 124A 124B 128, 141A, 141, 142, 143A, 158, 161, 200A, 200B, and, 229.


7) Will any Fire or Smoke rated doors be held open by a hold open device? 101:

If Yes, Identify which doors will be held open. 101:


Thursday, April 13, 2023 DF: RTC: NO, Fire or Smoke doors will not be held open by any hold open devices.

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8) Identify any doors that will be locked against egress in accordance with 101:


Thursday, April 13, 2023 DF: RTC: No doors will be locked against egress. All will include REX devices in the hardware sets or will include egress override devices.

Thursday, April 13, 2023 DF: See Reviewer's Response to Comment #6. This will be addressed in the Locking Arrangement Revision to the permit when approved.

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9) Soiled Holding (144) and Soiled Linen (145) rooms are not identified as having fire rated walls. Doors 144 and 145 are 45 minutes rated. 101:

Separate these rooms with the proper fire/smoke rating assembly per section 8.7 of NFPA 101.


Thursday, April 13, 2023 DF: RTC: Both rooms are classified as Ordinary Hazard. The Soiled Holding Room will contain Trash bins greater then 32 Gallons and the Soiled Linen will contain linen carts that hold greater than 32 Gallons of linens. Both rooms will be protected by fire sprinkler systems and will have smoke rated enclosures and doors shall be smoke rated. Doors will be self-closing and latching.


10) Sheet A860 and A861 show areas of rescue. Are the Areas of Rescue in Stairways #1 and #2 Areas of Refuge (101:2.2.12?

If yes demonstrate compliance with 101:7.2.12.


Thursday, April 13, 2023 DF: RTC: Yes, Both areas are to be Areas of Refuge. These areas in Stair 1 and Stair 2 include provisions for a 2-way direct line of communication in compliance with (NFPA 101 7th Ed.). See electrical drawings and Life Safety drawings. See enlarged stair plan/detail Sheets (A860, A861) for demission's indicting 48" minimum clearance between handrails for each stair.


11) At the time of fire final be prepared to provide a copy of the manufacturer specification sheets to the fire inspector showing that each interior finish will meet:

- Wall and ceiling finish will meet Class A, B or C. 101:

- Wall and ceiling finish in EXITS and in EXIT ACCESS Corridors Shall be Class A or B 101:

- Floor finish shall meet either: a) ASTM D 2859 for carpet and carpet like materials or b) has a minimum critical radiant flux of .1 W/cm2 for non-carpet flooring. 101:

-Floor Finish in in exit enclosures shall be Class I or Class II. 101:

If there are multiple finishes, label each spec sheet identifying each product, its location AND highlight the area showing illustrating it meets the applicable Code requirement.

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12) A Fire Alarm System is required. 101:20.3.4

A 109 Insulation hold has been applied.

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13) Sheet A201 shows a Roof Top Terrace (289). I am unable to find elevations of the Terrace and Data showing means of egress, Furniture, Fixture, and Equipment information, Fall protection, Lighting and Emergency Lighting, Occupancy, Occupant Load Data, Trellis Data, etc.


Thursday, April 13, 2023 DF: RTC: Reference revised LS201 - Level 2 Life Safety Plan.

Thursday, April 13, 2023 DF: Reviewer's Response: Per Sheet LS201 the following is noted; Rooftop Terrace Occupancy, the Roof Top Terrace is designed for a total Occupancy based on standing room. The Occupancy based on 1,275 SF and divided by 5 SF/per Occupant providing an occupanf load of 255 Persons. The Rooftop Terrace is open air - no ceiling/roof. The Diagonal measurement provided is 52'. Based on no sprinkler protection of the Rooftop Terrace, 50% of diagonal is 26'. The minimal separation of Exits off the Terrace is 26'. Exit separation shown is on the plans is 17' measured center to center of the door opening. Actual measurement based on NFPA 101: (straight line measured to the nearest edge of the exits) is 13'.

Based on the occupant load of 255 people on the terrace and the occupant load on the 2nd floor (inside) of 121 persons the total occupant load of the 2nd floor including the Rooftop Terrace based on the data provided is 376 persons. Based on 376 persons the minimum amount of exit widths required is 75.2" clear width. With the common 3.0 door clear opening width being 32" and there are two (2) stairways with 3.0 doors, this leaves a minimum of 1 additional means of egress (exit) to handle the remaining 11.2 inches of egress width.

a) What will the Rooftop Terrace be used for? Provide all of the possible uses that are intended for the Terrace

b) Demonstrate how you will meet the exit separation requirement of 26'

c) Based on the numbers of egress width available, How will you provide the additional 11.2 inches of egress width?


14) The drive under Drop Off and Pickup Canopies are less than 13’ – 6” (approx. 11’) vertical clearance at the lowest point shown. NFPA 1:

Adjust the canopies to have a clearance of at least 13’-6” vertical clearance Above Finished Drive.

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15) Plans indicate an Emergency Generator will be installed.

a) Will the generator be a deferred Submittal? If Not,

b) What Class, Type and Level will the generator be classified as? NFPA 110:4.2,

c) Provide the manufacturer Spec Sheets, fuel type, fuel storage, etc.


Thursday, April 13, 2023 DF: RTC:

a) YES,

b) Type 10, Class X, Level 1,

c) Reference Sheet A601 for fuel type and tank calculations. Diesel: 4,033 gallons, 96 hour run time.


16) Unable to locate elevator information. 101:30.5.3, 69A-47

Please point out where it shows:

- The new elevator complies with ASME A17.1/CSA B44.  101:,

- The new elevator complies with Fire Fighter recall. 101:

- If the elevator is operated by solid state equipment, show where compliance with 101:9.4.5 is illustrated.

- The elevator is fitted with the “Emergency Response Region #3” Key. NFPA 1:11.3.6, FAC 69A-47.012/69A-47.014


Thursday, April 13, 2023 DF: RTC: See elevator specification Section 14 21 00.


Thursday, April 13, 2023 DF: Reviewer's Response: I was unable to locate the information noted above in Section 14 21 00 in the Project Manual. Please point out where the elevator spec noted above can be found.

Informational 17) Following the installation of the medical gas (and prior to the fire final), a third-party inspection will need to take place. The third-party reviewer may also be the inspector. The third-party inspector shall provide written documentation to the Fire Marshal’s Office at time of fire final that the med gas inspection was conducted and the system inspected per the plans meets the requirements of the Code. If documentation is provided stating that the system does not meet the requirements of the code and corrective action is needed, the Owner will need to work with their design professional and third party to resolve the issues. Our office will not complete the fire final prior to the third-party acceptance. 4/14/2023 dfeagle
The emergency lights are required to provide 1-footcandle of illumination on the floor along the exit path. This requirement is subject to a performance test conducted prior to the final. Additional Lights may be required. 101:7.9.2
***With my experience, a typical wall pack emergency light usually mounted 8' above the floor covers approx. 8' either direction with a 3' wide path.***
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In Building Radio Enhancement System (BDA) See also FS633.202(18)

This building is required to have a third-party contractor conduct a two-way radio communication test in accordance with NFPA 1:11.10 and NFPA 1221 (2016 ED.) by the time of the framing inspection.

St Johns County Fire Rescue’s radio control frequency is 853.8875. You will need to provide this information to your third-party contractor.

NOTE: A copy of this report must be provided and submitted to our office as a revision before the 105-framing inspection.  A 105 Framing Hold has been placed until receipt of the revision.

-If it passes the inspection radio testing at the framing stage, you will need to submit as a revision as we will record the documentation and remove the hold.

- If the third-party paperwork indicates the test is not satisfactory, then the contractor will have to submit for a revision. The revision will need to include: the unsatisfactory test paperwork, outline of corrective measures, and plans to illustrate the corrective measures to meet requirements provided by the design professional.

At the final, you will be required to provide satisfactory testing by the third-party contractor following the installation of the in building radio enhancement system.

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Occupancy Sensor NFPA 101:  
Unless prohibited by Chapters 11 through 43, automatic lighting control devices shall be permitted to temporarily turn off the illumination within the means of egress, provided that each lighting control device complies with all of the following:
(1) In new installations, the lighting control device is listed.
(2) The lighting control device is equipped to automatically energize the controlled lights upon loss of normal power and is evaluated for this purpose.
(3) Illumination timers are provided and are set for a minimum 15-minute duration.
(4) The lighting control device is activated by any occupant movement in the area served by the lighting units.
(5) In new installations, the lighting control device is activated by activation of the building fire alarm system, if provided.
(6) The lighting control device does not turn off any lights relied upon for activation of photoluminescent exit signs or path markers.
(7) The lighting control device does not turn off any battery-equipped emergency luminaires, unit equipment, or exit signs.

Be Prepared to Show Compliance at the time of your Fire Alarm Final or Fire Final.


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Air handlers with more than 2000 CFM are required to have duct smoke detectors. NOTE: If there is a FIRE ALARM SYSTEM in the building the duct smoke detector must also be connected to the fire alarm system. (NFPA 90A:
Where smoke detectors required by 6.4 are installed in a building not equipped with an approved fire alarm system as specified by, the following shall occur:
1. Smoke detector activation required by section 6.4 shall cause a visual signal and an audible signal at a normally occupied area.
2. Detector troubles shall be indicated visually or audibly in a normally occupied area identified as air duct

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Make sure that emergency lighting systems are arranged to provide the required illumination automatically in the event of any interruption of normal lighting due to any of the following:  NFPA 101
(1) Failure of a public utility or other outside electrical power supply
(2) Opening of a circuit breaker or fuse
(3) Manual act(s), including accidental opening of a switch controlling normal lighting facilities.
NOTE: Our office has experienced issues with large projects that have emergency generators not being prepared to comply with item #2.

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Buildings containing Fire Alarm Systems, Fire Sprinkler Systems, etc. and/or Security Systems that make it difficult to access the building in an emergency are required to have a Fail-Safe box. NFPA 1:

Please contact St Johns County Fire Rescue Secretary Dawn Lyons at 904-209-1712 for the correct order form.

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Each new Fire Wall, Fire Barrier, Fire Partition, Smoke Barrier, Smoke Partition, or any other new wall required to have protected openings shall be permanently identified with signs or stenciling above any decorative ceiling and in concealed spaces, with the wording “FIRE AND SMOKE BARRIER – PROTECT ALL OPENINGS”, or similar language. Such signs or stenciling shall be 4 in. high letters, ½ in. stroke, and not more than 15 ft. on center.

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Occupancy Sensor NFPA 101:  
Unless prohibited by Chapters 11 through 43, automatic lighting control devices shall be permitted to temporarily turn off the illumination within the means of egress, provided that each lighting control device complies with all of the following:
(1) In new installations, the lighting control device is listed.
(2) The lighting control device is equipped to automatically energize the controlled lights upon loss of normal power and is evaluated for this purpose.
(3) Illumination timers are provided and are set for a minimum 15-minute duration.
(4) The lighting control device is activated by any occupant movement in the area served by the lighting units.
(5) In new installations, the lighting control device is activated by activation of the building fire alarm system, if provided.
(6) The lighting control device does not turn off any lights relied upon for activation of photoluminescent exit signs or path markers.
(7) The lighting control device does not turn off any battery-equipped emergency luminaires, unit equipment, or exit signs.

Be Prepared to Show Compliance at the time of your Fire Alarm Final or Fire Final.

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The system(s) outlined in this set of plans is conceptual.

A HOLD has been placed at insulation inspection (109) until either: a) a permit has been pulled or b) a letter submitted from respective system contractor indicating no work to be done to the existing system:
- Fire alarm system
- Fire sprinkler system (Supervised) 
- Fire underground
- In-Building Radio Enhancement System (BDA) TEST / PERMIT
- Fire/smoke damper inspections
- Generator
- Above /Underground Storage Tanks Diesel Fuel


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18) Thursday, April 13, 2023 DF: New Comment upon review of Resubmittal. Doors 121 and 139 have been changed from ? to Non-fire/smoke rated doors. These doors are part of the Smoke Compartment Separation. These doors are required to be fire and smoke rated.

Update the Door and Hardware Schedules.


19) Thursday, April 13, 2023 DF: New Comment upon review of Resubmittal. Sheet E102: Toilets Rooms 133 and 134 do not show any lighting. 101:20.2.8