Do not forget to:
- include hydraulic design information sign AND general information sign at riser. NFPA 13 Ch24.
- ID control, drain, and test connection valves with a weatherproof metal or rigid plastic sign. NFPA 13 6.7.4
- include a stock of spare sprinklers in a cabinet on premises in an area not to exceed 100 degrees WITH a wrench for each type of sprinkler installed or to be used. NFPA 13 6.2.9
- a list of the sprinklers installed in the property shall be posted in the sprinkler cabinet. It shall include: 1) SIN or manufacturer, model, orifice, deflector type, thermal sensitivity, and pressure rating 2) general description 3) quantity of each type to be contained in cabinet 4) Issue or revision date of list. NFPA 13