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Clearance Sheet C2020-002968

 Department IssuesSigned OffIntl

Plan reviewed for revision to 40 of 76 original pages (cover, A1.01,A2.01, A2.1, A2.11, A2.12, A2.51, A3.01, A4.51, A5.01, A5.51, A5.52, A5.53, A6.01, A6.02, A6.03, A6.04, A8.01, A8.02, S1.01, S1.02, S1.03, S2.02, S3.01, S5.02, S6.02, S6.03, S7.01, M1.01, M1.02, E0.01, E.02, E0.03, E0.05, E1.00, E2.01, E2.02, E3.01, E3.02, E3.03). Scope of changes: "value engineering changes". Reviewed using FFPC 6th edition effective Dec. 31, 2017.

V.Vitori 904 209 1748

To schedule fire inspections please call 827-6842 (automated system). Questions about inspections please call 209-1740x1.
Review by the AHJ shall not relieve the applicant of the responsibility for compliance with the Code.

NOTE: Any site changes need to go back through site review.

Page E0.05 shows FM200 fire suppression system being added according to FA design criteria.

Friday, February 26, 2021 2nd revision submitted with 41 pages submitted. (Cover, A1.01, A2.01, A2.10, A2.11, A2.12, A2.51, A3.01, A4.01, A4.51, A5.01, A5.51, A5.52, A5.53, A6.01, A6.02, A6.03, A6.04, A8.01, A8.02, S1.01, S1.02, S1.03, S2.02, S3.01, S5.02, S6.02, S6.03, S7.01, M1.01, M1.02, E0.01, E0.02, E0.03, E0.05, E1.00, E2.01, E20.02, E3.01, E3.02, E3.03) Scope of changes now indicate: removal of pods, dead end corridor hold, address FM200 previous comment, access control for balcony doors, remove future operable partition from rm 216.


RESUBMITTING: Please make necessary changes and resubmit the complete permit application package. Response to comments / plans / specifications should be submitted to the Permit Center as a resubmission for the original project unless other arrangements are made with the Fire Plan Reviewer or the Fire Plan Review Supervisor.

To help speed the review process you should include a written response to comments summary to clarify and/or illustrate corrections on plans (bubbling, highlighting, or notations are best). Please use the Florida Fire Prevention Code 6th Ed. for all code reference in a response to comments. You are required to remove old pages and reinsert the new pages.

The numbered items require a response or plans to be updated to complete the review.


Comment brought down from rejected revision review dated 9 15 20.

1) Page A2.01 , partition wall change for 1st floor studio 127 no longer shows it will be wall type 3.1 (fire rated wall) and now shows it as a wall type 4 (just sound attenuation wall). How is this wall no longer rated?

Friday, February 26, 2021 This partition wall now shows wall type 3.2 which is a 1 hr rated wall.

2/26/2021 VVitori

Comment brought down from rejected revision review dated 9 15 20.

2) Page A6.03 shows you are changing the balcony guards from glass infill to horizontal cables.

a) confirm the cables will not let a 4" sphere  pass through any of the openings. 101:

b) confirm you are ok with horizontal cable runs vs the vertical recommended to prevent climbing. 101:A.

Friday, February 26, 2021 Page A6.03 updated.

2/26/2021 VVitori

Comment brought down from rejected revision review dated 9 15 20.

3) Page E0.05 shows a FM200 suppression system is now being added.

a) where is zone 1 and zone 2?

b) why does zone 2 smoke not actuate audible and visual signal like zone 1?

NOTE: A hold for this suppression system submittal has been added at 109-Insulation.

Friday, February 26, 2021 E0.05 updated.

2/26/2021 VVitori

Comment brought down from approved 7 9 20 review.

4) Frist floor dead end corridor (in front of both studios) is 23' longer than what is allowed by 101: and 101:

Exit sign was added at Door 125. Door Swing will need to be adjusted or exterior door added in studio opposite door 128. Architect will provide revision to address HOLD Placed at 105 Framing for revision. AGEDRIS Thursday, July 09, 2020

Friday, February 26, 2021 E201 updated to show exit sign at double doors 125 from corridor. Both door leafs swing is wrong direction. Atleast 1 leaf is also required to swing in direction from the assembly side. 101:


Provided email from Chris Walker dated 2 18 21 indicates "Matt Here is the electrified egress hardware for the 2nd floor balcony doors which is designed to allow egress off the balcony deck in the event of activation from access control device, power loss, fire alarm or emergency shut off. Both side of the door will also have a keyed cylinder to allow key access either way as well."

NOTE regarding "access control for balcony doors". The doors do not serve as means of egress going to the outside. But if you are outside, the doors serve as means of egress coming in to make it to the exit. Apparently someone from the project had a discussion with Supervisor Anthony Gedris, which ok'ed the same lock on the inside as on the outside. Reasoning, if someone has access to get out, they would also have the access to get back in. Ex - someone stepping out on 2nd fl balcony for a smoke would have access to get out and in. If a guest went to do the same, they wouldn't be able to get out without staff oversight.

2/26/2021 VVitori